CD’s first client was a small American manufacturing firm facing the theft of secrets from its Chinese licensee. CD took the case from inception to trial at the International Trade Commission in less than 7 months. That hearing featured testimony on trade secret valuation, competitive injury, and international trade – the three pillars of CD’s expertise.
CD has rapidly built a substantial base of clients who demand the integrated analysis of IP, competition, and trade. Recent cases include:
- international standard-setting in telecommunications
- global lost profits resulting from domestic infringement
- design patents infringed by former international licensees
- location-aware technologies powered by global satellite and terrestrial networks
- international patent rights in peer-to-peer networks
- services in the global supply chain that create an international patchwork of infringement
Past engagements on behalf of many Fortune 100 and other industry-leading firms:*
* CD does not disclose client relationships unless those relationships have been previously disclosed in public materials